Report: Cannabis 6th Largest Cash Crop in the US
Thu / Nov 3rd
Cannabis is the sixth-most valuable crop in the U.S., according to the 2022 Leafly Cannabis Harvest Report.
Although cannabis acceptance is rising in many states, its use and possession is still illegal under federal law under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Activists are still working to change federal policy to reflect the voters in many states who have approved social use. Explore news below about the decriminalization effort from patients, politicians, and businesses on the federal level:
Thu / Nov 3rd
Cannabis is the sixth-most valuable crop in the U.S., according to the 2022 Leafly Cannabis Harvest Report.
Mon / Oct 31st
A new survey found that 71% of Americans think adult-use cannabis legalization improves states’ economies.
Thu / Oct 27th OPINION
Legal cannabis might be this century’s largest and most lucrative new industry but without the government subsidies afforded to other industries that center agriculture, energy, and transportation, the cannabis industry is poised for an extinction event of small businesses.
Wed / Oct 12th
During a Monday appearance on ‘Late Night with Seth Meyers,’ Vice President Kamala Harris (D) said no one should be sent to jail for smoking cannabis. The statement came the week after President Biden issued federal pardons for cannabis possession.
Mon / Oct 10th
U.S. Health & Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra is already working with the FDA to review cannabis’ federal scheduling status as directed by President Biden during his pardoning announcement last week.
Fri / Oct 7th
A new poll released on Wednesday found that 60% of US voters believe cannabis should be federally legal.
Fri / Oct 7th
The U.S. Court of International Trade ruled last month that importing cannabis paraphernalia into the US is legal, breaking a previous Controlled Substances Act ban.
Thu / Oct 6th
President Joe Biden issued a pardon for all federal cannabis possession charges on Thursday and said his administration would take steps to consider rescheduling cannabis under federal law.
Wed / Sep 14th
A federal proposal would give small-scale cannabis companies the ability to operate on a direct-to-consumer model to help the smaller operations compete with large, corporate entities once cannabis is finally legalized nationwide.
Wed / Sep 7th
The Air Force and Space Force are considering a recruitment policy change that would no longer automatically disqualify new recruits who test positive for cannabis.
Tue / Sep 6th
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has signed a bill to protect patients’ access to medical treatment even if they test positive for cannabis and the rights of doctors to treat such patients without ramifications from federal law.
Fri / Aug 26th
The FTC is issuing product refunds for customers who bought CBD products from Kushly Industries LLC after the company made unsubstantiated treatment claims regarding CBD’s effects on ailments ranging from acne to cancer.
Tue / Aug 23rd
A recent memo from the Biden Administration suggests that White House applicants who have invested in the legal cannabis industry may be denied security clearances.
Operations Ownership After working directly with Oklahoma’s cannabis industry over the past couple of years, our firm thought it a… Read More
Wed / Aug 3rd
The Marijuana Misdemeanor Expungement Act, a bipartisan House proposal filed last week, would facilitate the expungement of low-level federal cannabis misdemeanors.
Tue / Aug 2nd
The U.S. House Agriculture Committee held a hearing last week to discuss the state of the hemp industry and how the government can continue to support the crop.
Wed / Jul 27th
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill with bipartisan support that encourages medical cannabis research by easing the federal cannabis research application process.
Thu / Jul 21st
The U.S. Senate’s long-awaited cannabis legalization bill was finally filed this morning by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Cory Booker (D-NJ).
Thu / Jul 21st
The U.S. House passed a package of budget bills including one proposal to allow cannabis TV and radio advertisements in states where cannabis has been legalized.
Tue / Jul 19th
President Joe Biden recently reiterated that he believes nobody should be imprisoned for “the use of marijuana” and said his administration is working on a “crime bill” to address the issue.
Tue / Jul 12th
Democratic senators from four U.S. states sent a letter to President Joe Biden calling for his administration to deschedule cannabis and issue pardons to all individuals convicted of non-violent cannabis crimes.
Wed / Jul 6th
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced an amendment this week to the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act that would require the Department of Defense to study the therapeutic potential of psychedelics for veterans.
Thu / Jun 30th
The House Appropriations Committee approved an appropriations bill that includes language blocking the FCC from sanctioning broadcasters who air cannabis advertisements in legalized states.
Wed / Jun 29th
The House Committee on Appropriations approved a measure to keep the DOJ from using its resources to interfere with state-approved cannabis industries.
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