Health Canada Boasts High Cannabis Industry Compliance Rate

Health Canada says the cannabis industry has a generally high rate of compliance, having ordered just 15 product recalls — all due to mislabeled CBD and THC content — since legalizing in 2018.

Full story after the jump.

Since federal cannabis legalization in October 2018, Health Canada has ordered 15 product recalls due to CBD and THC labeling errors for both higher and lower levels of the cannabinoids present, the Calgary Herald reports. However, Health Canada spokeswoman Tammy Jarbeau said that, generally, the industry “has a high overall compliance rate with the Cannabis Act and its regulations, and any packaging or labelling errors related to THC or CBD content have been limited relative to overall industry sales.”

“The cannabis regulations require license holders to investigate complaints received about the quality of cannabis and, if necessary, to take corrective measures. In the cases where THC or CBD content was improperly labeled, federal license holders have chosen to voluntarily recall their product.” – Jarbeau in an email to the Herald

According to the report, most of the recalls were for flower products while some were for concentrates. The report did not outline whether other products, such as edibles and topicals which were legalized for retail sales last December, had been subject to recalls.

Health Canada testing regulations allow a 15 percent variable either above or below labeled THC and CBD levels. Edible potency is capped at 10 milligrams per package.

Denver-based cannabis industry consultant Dan Rowland told the Herald that he suspected that the delay of drinkable products is likely due to companies having trouble maintaining THC and CBD levels in beverages. He added that in the early days of the industry, companies could “shop around” until they received the test results they needed; but Canada’s stringent regulations have prevented that practice.

In 2019, Health Canada suspended three cannabis licenses for various non-compliance issues unrelated to THC and CBD product labeling.

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