Louisville, Kentucky Bans No-Knock Raids

Louisville, Kentucky city officials have permanently banned the use of no-knock police raids. The ordinance is called “Breonna’s Law,” named after 26-year-old Breonna Taylor, who was shot and killed by police in her home during a no-knock narcotics raid.

Full story after the jump.

The Louisville, Kentucky Metro Council has unanimously banned the use of no-knock raids, the Courier-Journal reports. The ordinance is called “Breonna’s Law,” after Breonna Taylor, the 26-year-old unarmed woman shot and killed by the city’s police during a no-knock raid as part of a narcotics investigation earlier this year.

The move comes the same day Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R) introduced a bill that would prohibit federal law enforcement and local police that receive federal funding from using such warrants. Paul’s bill also memorializes Taylor’s killing, called the “Justice for Breonna Taylor Act,” according to an Axios report.

“After talking with Breonna Taylor’s family, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s long past time to get rid of no-knock warrants. This bill will effectively end no-knock raids in the United States.” – Paul to Axios

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer, who indefinitely suspended the use of no-knock raids last month, said he would sign the law as soon as it hits his desk. The ordinance also requires that all officers serving warrants activate their body cameras at least five minutes before they execute a warrant and they must remain on until at least five minutes after its conclusion.

Metro Council President David James also declared June 11 as “Breonna’s Law Day.” Taylor was shot at least eight times by police during the raid, during which no drugs were found. The police report about the raid listed her injuries as “none.”

Earlier this week, congressional Democrats introduced bills to address systemic racial discrimination by police including a ban on no-knock warrants in drug cases, among other reforms. Senate Republicans are also crafting their own legislation that would require states to provide data on the use of no-knock warrants but does not include a ban on the practice like Paul’s proposal.

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