Tulsa Community College Offering Cannabis Industry Training Courses

Tulsa Community College now offers three, eight-week cannabis education programs centered around certificates for dispensary associates, cultivation technicians, and manufacturing agents.

Full story after the jump.

Tulsa Community College (TCC) is partnering with cannabis education company Green Flower on three certification programs through the TCC Continuing Education program. The Oklahoma-based college began offering the dispensary associate, cultivation technician, and manufacturing agent certificate programs on March 1.

Each certificate is offered in an eight-week non-credit course for $750 and offered with an online, on-demand schedule.

Pete Selden, vice president for Workforce Development at TCC said that because the programs are available on-demand, “an individual has tremendous flexibility for when they do the coursework.”

“With unprecedented growth in this industry, there is a need to develop a workforce with cannabis specific skills. TCC has joined forces with Green Flower to deliver this highly specialized content virtually. … These online certificates provide a tremendous opportunity for individuals who want to take advantage of the good paying jobs available in this industry.” – Seldon in a statement

According to Leafly’s 2021 jobs report, Oklahoma, which only has a medical cannabis program, ranks ninth in the U.S. for the number of cannabis jobs with more than 16,000 residents employed in the state.

“We applaud TCC’s commitment to helping working adults advance and train for new careers and their vision to help students enter and excel in the legal cannabis industry,” Daniel Kalef, vice president of education at Green Flower, said in a press release. “Like other highly regulated industries, the need to have expertise in material handling, quality control, patient care, security, transportation, horticulture and more is vital to the success of all aspects of the industry and all things people will learn in these courses.”

TCC is the only college or university in Oklahoma to offer cannabis-related training courses.

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