The Ohio Statehouse in downtown Columbus, Ohio.

Bob Hall

Ohio Advocates Unveil Cannabis Legalization Proposal

Advocates in Ohio have unveiled their proposal to legalize cannabis for adult use, which includes language legalizing industrial hemp cultivation in the state, according to a LEX18 report. In 2015, Ohio voters rejected a legalization proposal in part because many feared that the measure language would create a monopoly in the industry.

The new proposal is spearheaded by Jimmy Gould and Ian James, who were also behind the 2015 attempt. Gould said the new proposal, dubbed the Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Amendment, is “not a reborn Issue 3.”

“There’s no control here by anybody – this is free market.” – Gould

Included in the amendment proposal:

  • Local control over whether or not to allow cannabis operations, including limits on the number of retail locations.
  • Allowing voters to determine by ballot whether to allow retail operations in their precinct, similar to liquor licenses.
  • Bans on cannabis use in public and on any form of public transportation
  • Language protecting the state’s medical cannabis program, which is expected to roll out by Sept. 8, 2018.

The campaign must collect 305,591 valid signatures by July 2018 in order for the amendment to be included on Nov. 2018 ballots.

Following the failure of Issue 3, Gould indicated the group, ResponsibleOhio, was “dead” after spending $20 million on the failed campaign.

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