AJ Guel

Jim McMahon Says NFL Players Should Have Access to MMJ

Jim McMahon, ex-NFL star quarterback who helped carry the Chicago Bears to victory in Superbowl XX, called for allowing NFL players to medicate using cannabis while speaking last week at The Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition in Manhattan.

“There’s so many uses to this plant,” said McMahon. “Hundreds of thousands of people are dying from [painkillers] and there’s not one case of people dying from the hemp plant.”

McMahon is no stranger to cannabis advocacy, and has openly admitted to using the plant both during and after his illustrious football career — he’s even stated that he wishes he had used the plant more often as a safer and less-toxic painkiller option than the opiates that football players are typically prescribed by the fistful.

McMahon has said in the past that his marijuana use helped him kick an addiction that had the ex-football star taking up to 100 Percocets per month.

McMahon joins the Baltimore Raven’s ex-offensive tackle Eugene Monroe in his recent cannabis advocacy. In a widely-publicized move earlier this year, Monroe donated $80,000 to boost medical marijuana research. Monroe, who was the first active NFL player to advocate for medical cannabis, was cut from the Ravens last week and is now a free agent.

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