Brief: New Hampshire’s First Dispensary Could Open Within a Year

New Hampshire’s first dispensary under the state legislators’ 2013 restrictive medical marijuana law could be open for business within the next year.

The Granite State Alternative Treatment Center presented a plan on Monday for a $2 million, 12,600-square-foot complex that would initially serve up to 100 patients per month — hpwever, as the industry takes off, that number is expected to grow dramatically. The hopeful dispensary, presented by hopeful manager Dennis Acton, is the first of its kind to be to be proposed to a municipal board.

The site of the facility would be in Ebbing, a small hamlet east of Manchester, though board members are carefully considering the dispensary’s influence on the area.

Acton aims to partner with PalliaTech, a company that already works in the medical cannabis industries of Colorado, New Jersey, and Montana, to help manage the dispensary.

New Hampshire’s medical marijuana law allows for up to four non-profit dispensaries in the state. Two MMJ business licenses should be issued by the state in January, and applications for the other two will be accepted starting in July.


Photo Credit: aeroSou

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