South Dakota Gov. Signs Medical Cannabis and Hemp Bills

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) signed six medical cannabis and hemp bills last week containing changes to the state’s voter-approved laws.

Full story after the jump.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) last week signed six bills related to medical cannabis and hemp which her office said in a press release are designed to implement “a safe and responsible medical cannabis program that is the most patient-focused in the country.”

The bills include SB24 which places a four-plant limit on home grows, allowing two seedlings and two flowering plants; SB26 which allows physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners to certify patients for the program; SB118 which limits medical cannabis batch testing to 50 pounds; SB21 which requires the state Health Department to provide written notice if it revokes a medical cannabis patient card; and SB119 which allows nursing homes, treatment centers, and mental health centers to impose restrictions on cannabis use within their facilities and includes provisions to allow those facilities to choose not to store and administer medical cannabis to clients and patients.

Noem also signed into law SB201 which allows South Dakota’s health secretary to waive the finger-printing requirements for certain hemp cultivators or owners of the property where hemp is grown. The measure also allows hemp producers and manufacturers to temporarily exceed the 0.3% THC limits during certain phases of CBD production.

The bills ultimately made changes to the medical cannabis law approved by 70% of voters during the 2020 General Election. Noem had previously signed an additional 18 medical cannabis bills into law during the 2022 legislation session, her office said.

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