EU Parliament


EU Parliament Follows World Health Organization, Recommends Descheduling Cannabis

The European Union’s Parliament has rallied alongside the United Nations’ World Health Organization in recommending an end to cannabis prohibition.

Full story after the jump.

Due to the World Health Organization’s recommendation to deschedule cannabis and all associated chemicals, the European Union has passed a resolution to help member countries do just that, Forbes reports.

The non-binding resolution is designed to create incentives that will encourage the development of medical cannabis programs in the European Union.

“This will help facilitate and expedite the well required safety and efficacy studies on cannabinoid solutions beyond the initial markets such as Canada and Israel. … There is an ongoing concern of the toxic and inefficacious products being offered as medicine that will be limited with the entrance of qualified studies.” — Aras Azadian, CEO of Multi-national Avicanna, via Forbes

The resolution seeks to prioritize scientific and clinical studies. It tasks the Commission on Use of Cannabis for Medicinal Purposes and the EU member states to “address the regulatory, financial and cultural barriers,” preventing the development of medical cannabis programs.

The Parliament also urged equal access to cannabis medicine and research into the correct usage of said medicine. According to the resolution for potential patients, “It is essential that they be provided with comprehensive information about the full spectrum profiles of the plant strains used in the medication provided.”

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