The Advantages of Running a Business Blog

Until the federal government changes its marijuana policies, ganjapreneurs face particular challenges when it comes to branding and promoting their business. How does one balance caution with advertising? How do you promote your service or product without running the risk of possible legal actions?

Some entrepreneurs are turning to blogging as a more passive means of advertising their business. A blog is often more passive than direct marketing, but it can still be an effective tool if done right.

A good blog:

Becomes a wealth of information for your customers about the product or service you offer
Helps build trust and strengthens customer relations
Establishes your business as the “go to” authority on the topic

Blogs are sometimes misunderstood. Since anyone can put one up and start posting content, their quality varies wildly. Some personal blogs may share more information than you really want to know. But blogs serve many purposes. Some of cannabis’ best social commentary comes from blogs like The Weed Blog or the NORML Blog.

A business blog, however, fits into a different category. A good business blog is first and foremost about the client, and that’s one of the main things that differentiate it from personal blogs or blogs that support a cause. Jordan Person, founder of Primal Therapeutics LLC in Denver said she began her Cannabis Education blog about  massage and topical therapies because of demand. She said, “I had so many patients asking me if I had a website. It’s a way to bring awareness to my patients.” Since Person’s clients are interested in alternative health, she includes posts with recipes for tonics and health tips as well as updates on cannabis legislation and medical breakthroughs. By tapping into her clients’ needs and providing them with valuable and free resources, she is subtly courting them into becoming long term and loyal customers.

Don’t be deceived: a blog is a lot of work. To build one that draws customers you should:

Know your audience, their problem and how you will solve it
Make an editorial calendar and commit to following it
Have at least a basic understand of SEO (search engine optimization) and key words
Commit to the long haul. It can take several months before you begin to build traffic and subscribers

Part of the beauty of blogging is it’s easy and relatively inexpensive. If you already have a website, adding a blog is simply a matter of adding a page where all your posts will go. Platforms like WordPress and Blogspot offer free blogs that can be set up in a matter of minutes.

Some entrepreneurs take on the project themselves, while others may hire a professional blogger or marketer. If you do choose to blog, it could become one of the most powerful tools you have to build a following and engage customers.

Photo Credit: Anonymous Account

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