Parkinson’s Disease

This section deals with studies pertaining to Cannabis and Parkinson’s. Basic research has been done to determine if cannabinoids have a role to play in treatment of Parkinson’s, though the specific methods of actions and particular cannabinoids have not yet been identified.

What is Parkinson’s?

Parkinson’s is a chronic disease of the central nervous system that primarily affects motor control. Parkinson’s has a slow onset and it can often take years before significant symptoms can be noticed. Shaking and difficulty with walking are some of the most obvious early signs, which then progress to thinking and behavorial problems and eventually dementia. The primary causes of Parkinson’s are not known, though it is guessed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Parkinson’s & Cannabis Research

Research shows that Cannabidiol (CBD) has a strong positive effect in treating psychosis related to advanced Parkinson’s. CBD can modify the balance of dopamine in the brain and researchers theorize this is the primary effect for Parkinson’s at this time. CBD also is shown to improve sleep in certain Parkinson’s patients. Cannabis, especially CBD, also has neuroprotective effects that reduce the progression of Parkinson’s.