
This section covers medical studies related to cannabis and nausea. Already, several traditional pharmacological drugs have been synthesized from THC and CBD that are commonly used to reduce nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, including in children.

What is Nausea?

Nausea is a condition characterized by a diffuse, unpleasant feeling in the stomach or intestinal region and is often perceived as a desire to vomit. Nausea is theorized to condition the individual to avoid whatever stimulus or food that caused the nausea but can become problematic when experienced long term. Nausea has many possible causes and is considered a non-specific symptom instead of any disorder or disease.

What is known about Cannabis and Nausea?

Research indicates Cannabis has a large effect on both nausea and vomiting. There are several different effects of Cannabinoids on the body that regulate eating, vomiting and nausea, both in traditional Endocannabinoid receptors as well as interacting with the body’s Serotonin systems. THC seems to reduce vomiting and nausea through the CB1 neurotransmitter receptor. The brain systems responsible for vomiting have CB1 receptors throughout. CBD shows both a reduction in vomiting and nausea in low doses, and an increase in higher doses. CBD interactions do not use traditional endocannabinoid pathways, as THC does, but rather interacts with the body’s Serotonin receptors, by reducing the effectiveness of Serotonin signaling originating in the brain.