
The studies in this category examine Cannabinoid-based interactions with eating disorders such as Anorexia or Bulimia, as well as Anorexia induced by cancer and cancer treatments. These studies are primarily overviews and are a good place to begin research.

What is Anorexia?

Anorexia nervosa, often called simply Anorexia, is an eating disorder in which the afflicted have an extremely low weight and a compulsive desire to not eat and become or stay thin. Closely tied to the disease are cultural or social factors, as the disease is more common in societies that value thinness. Anorexics may weight themselves excessively and eat very small amounts of very specific foods. When asked, most anorexics will claim they are overweight, even though they are typically greatly underweight.

What is known about Cannabis and Anorexia?

Cannabis’s effect on eating disorders seems to be related to the endocannabinoid system interactions with the molecules Leptin and Ghrelin, which modify appetite. Also indicated in the research for treatment of Anorexia is a brain reward system change induced by CBD/THC, similar to how it reduces other addictive and self-reinforcing reward-seeking behaviors. Also revealed as a possible treatment in research is Cannabis’s positive effects on depression, which is often expressed in Anorexic patients.