Kevin Dooley

Flying With Marijuana: Where Are We At?

Traveling can be extremely stressful with all of the planning, budgeting, airports, and crowds. What’s worse is having to worry about traveling with your medication and/or vaporizer devices.

A recent mixup on the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) website has drawn attention to this important issue in the post-prohibition landscape. TSA is obligated to report any violations of federal law. Since federal laws still label cannabis illegal, they state on their website, “TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other drugs. In the event a substance that appears to be an illegal herb is observed during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer.”

Until federal laws make the big change we are all waiting for, we still need to be careful when it comes to traveling. None of the federal agencies will be pro-pot until the laws change. Even when they do, it won’t be a cakewalk. We have seen these same issues tackled with alcohol and cigarettes: it is just a matter of time until we will be able to travel with marijuana — but only with a very specific amount, sealed up in a plastic baggie.

But the age of vaporizers and concentrates is upon us! Many companies have created products that will not only improve your everyday life but your traveling experience as well. Travel vaporizers make long journeys a breeze for patients who rely on consistent holistic treatments.

Portability and discretion are very important when traveling, which makes these types of products the perfect accessory. You will want your vape pens to be small, easy-to-use, and easily concealable. When it comes to packing your luggage, a vape pen can fit almost anywhere. While having one of these devices may make things easier, it is important to know when and where you can have it. The laws are still behind the times and you need to be careful.

Many companies offer kits that come equipped with everything the traveling patient might need – unit, charger, container and spare parts, all packed into one case. We’ve entered an era where vaporizing has become much more accepted in society, especially as an alternative to smoking. Electronic cigarettes are permitted in public areas and are allowed on most airplanes, (obviously, as long as you follow the law – vaporizing only in designated areas, not in commercial vehicles or buildings).

If you’re considering bringing medical cannabis onto a flight, the safest option is, of course, to just not do it. If you have a serious medical condition and need to have marijuana with you, you could disclose that to TSA — but the government ultimately reserves the right to enforce the law, and that may be the only argument you need when trying to decide whether or not to bring your stash.

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