Pro-64 TV Ad Campaign Debuts in California

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Ads supporting Proposition 64 in California have started airing on broadcast and cable channels in the state, according to a blog posted on the Californians for Responsible Marijuana Reform website. The spots highlight the restrictions of the program and how it will keep children from accessing the drug as well as the revenue expected under the plan.

In the ad titled “Safeguards,” a narrator outlines the keystones of the bill aiming to protect children — customers must be 21-years-old and advertising to young populations is banned, including edibles that appeal to children.

Revenue” attempts to dispel the myth that the Adult Use of Marijuana Act would permit cannabis sales at grocery and convenience stores, and outlines the potential proceeds that could be gained under the measure.

“Prop 64 generates $1 billion in new tax revenue for California to fund after-school programs and job training and placement initiatives,” the ad states.

The Yes on 64 media buy is funded by Californians to Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana While Protecting Children; which includes “major funding” from entrepreneur Sean Parker and Drug Policy Action.

Brian Brokaw, campaign manager for Yes on 64, said Californians “overwhelmingly support” a “smarter, safer approach” to cannabis policy.

“Proposition 64 is the most comprehensive, thoughtful marijuana policy in the nation and reflects the input of the hundreds of organizations and experts – and these ads are designed to straightforwardly communicate the vast safeguards and benefits of Proposition 64 to every voter in the state,” he said in the post.

Yet, some California growers are opposing the measure over fears that it will create too much red tape and onerous oversight.

California is one of five states voting on the legalization of recreational cannabis next month.


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