Feds Call for Professional Joint Rollers, Cannabis Growers


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The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is seeking to hire professional joint rollers, according to a notice posted last week by the agency.

First reported by Marijuana Moment, the move is the latest effort in a push for more federal cannabis researchers. Notably, NIDA is not looking for proposals or to hire anyone, yet. Instead, the agency is looking for capability statements from small businesses so it can gauge the size and requirements of a future program.

The rolling of joints would be just one aspect of the job — according to the posting, “NIDA seeks qualified organizations having capability to analyze and characterize various drugs of abuse including cannabinoids and other research chemicals.”

NIDA says applicants must be able to “acquire hard-to-find controlled and uncontrolled drug compounds” and “analyze purity, authenticity, and stability of these compounds,” among many more responsibilities.

Here are the joint-rolling specifics:

“Manufacture standardized marijuana cigarettes within a range of varying concentrations of delta-9-THC and analyze strength and stability of them at various intervals while having the capability to maintain a secure shipping facility and to ship marijuana cigarettes to research investigators.” — Excerpt of NIDA statement

The posting also requires applicants who can manufacture and analyze nicotine cigarettes for research purposes.


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